In class we did an interactive activity online, the objective of the activity was to read and analyze 10 documents and sort them into three categories. Based off the documents you have to decide what those three categories are and which document falls under which. All 10 documents were based on the Homestead strike, where workers at Carnegie Steel Company protested against their low wages and unhealthy working conditions. The three categories were the three perspectives of the strike, the workers perspective, the companies perspective, and the newspapers perspective. This activity gave an overall understanding of the experience of working for a big business.
Key Terms:
Patents- license that gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention.
Productivity- the amount of goods and services created in a given period if time
Steel- is lighter stronger and more flexible than iron
Thomas Edison- made the energy source of electric power widely available
George Westinghouse- improved upon Edison's invention to invent alternating current
Samuel Morse- created the telegraph
Alexander Graham Bell: invented the talking telegraph in 1876
Railroads: transcontinental railroad connected Nebraska to Sacramento. Two railroads companies contracted to build it, the Union Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad.
Bessemer process- made it easier and cheaper to remove the impurities in steel and made it possible to mass produce steel
Henry Bessemer- he created and patented the Bessemer process
Brooklyn Bridge- the longest in the world at the time. It was designed by a German immigrant, John A Roebling and was made out of steel
Robber barons- used to describe the powerful industrialists who established large businesses in the late 1800's.
John D Rockefeller: Formed the standard oil company in 1870. He used certain tactics and deals to drive his competitors out of business and then he bought their refineries. He spread his wealth by moving into copper, iron, coal, shipping, and banking industries.
Andrew Carnegie: embraced the concept "money could make money".
Social Darwinism: wealthy were most valuable group in society. Argued that Society should interfere with competition as little as possible. Argued that society would benefit from the success of the fit and weeding out.
J.P Morgan- controlled 4 completed or almost completed railway systems. He had started before the war, was the son of a banker who began selling stocks for the railroads.
James Duke- used a new cigarette rolling machine that could roll up to 100,000 cigarettes a day, in 1890 he combined the four biggest cigarette producers to form the American Tobacco Company.
Gustavus Swift- a Chicago butcher put together the ice cooled rail way car with the ice cooled warehouse to make the first meat packaging company.
Edwin L Drake- worked for Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company, he was sent to drill for oil, a new concept that would make obtaining oil much cheaper
Piecework:-workers received a fixed amount for each finished piece they produced. Forced workers to work fast and efficiently
Sweatshop- a place where most piecework occurred, workers worked long hours for low wages.
Division of Labor- factory workers performed one small task over and over to improve efficiency
Frederick Winslow Taylor- set out to improve worker efficiency in steel plants and therefore increase profits
Socialism- an idea that some were drawn too in this time, system that favors public instead of private control of the means of production.
Labor Unions: organizing among workers in certain trades, helped members in bad times. Called for shorter workdays, higher wages and better working conditions.
Collective Bargaining: a price that some Labor Unions used, process where workers negotiated as a group with employers. Workers acting as a group had more power than a single worker acting alone.
Enduring Understandings:
1. Lots of the new inventions had a lot to do with communication, transportation, and production. It was becoming easier to communicate with far away places, making America a little smaller and more easily accessible. This allowed businesses to expand and be able to operate in more than one location, as well as giving them the ability to sell their product to more than one market.
- Samuel Morse patented the telegraph and perfected it, send first message in 1844. Many telegraph companies joined together and created the Western Union Telegraph Company, in 1870 they had 100,000 miles of wire and sent 9 million messages, by 1900 they owed over 900,000 miles of wire and were sending 63 million message per year. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- The federal government financed and invested in the transcontinental railroad that went from the east coast to the west coast they contracted two private companies, the central pacific railroad company and the union pacific railroad company. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- Henry Bessemer patented the Bessemer process that made it easier and cheaper to remove the impurities in steel. Before the nation depended on iron for railroads and buildings but now that it was easier to use steel the tides will turn. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- In 1890 the richest 9% of Americans held nearly 75% of the nations wealth. Many people suffered. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- Children who worked in the factories often became stunted in both body and mind. Factory workers were ruled by the clock, discipline in the factories was strict. Often fined and fired workers for being late or talking. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- In the 1880's children made up more than 5% of the industrial labor force! nearly one in 5 children between the ages of 10 and 16 were employed. This meant they had to leave school and never got a good education. (American History: Pathways to the Present Chapter 13)
- The working conditions and wages were so bad at these big companies, that the workers created unions. A Union is an organization of workers in certain trades, they helped members in bad times. They called for shorter workdays, higher wages and better working conditions. The reasons they formed Unions is because it because it gave the workers more power and say.
3. In ordered to start a company and compete with the other big businesses it was necessary to either have a lot of money to begin with, or to have a new invention that starts its own industry.
- Carnegie Steel: Andrew Carnegie invested his 50,000 salary into a steel company.
- Consolidation: gaining control of the many different businesses that make up all the phases of a products development.
- Horizontal Consolidation: involves bringing together many firms in the same business.
- Samuel Morse the inventor of the telegraph founded Western Union
- Alexander Graham Bell inventor of the telephone founded AT&T
- Thomas Edison inventor of the light bulb founded General Electric
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